Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Recoverying from the WHITE DEATH snowed and iced and stuff and we got to take yesterday off as a snow day. Actually, I took it as a sick day because I've had a cold, but the kids were home because of the snow. It was nice to relax in my jammies all day in spite of my pathetic miserable sick self. Today I'm back to the sweatshop, doing science, science science!
I finished another quilt yesterday....this one just needed a binding, like the last one, and a label. I did the paper piecing a long long time ago from a pattern that I worked out on EQ4, and the border is something I kind of invented as I went along. I like it.

I guess I would call the quilting a kind of pebbles in the stream type of thing...big circles surrounded by swirlies.
And the label is a doodle that I digitized. I used orange thread for the underlayer of the embroidery and it shows through too much in places, but that just gives it character, right?

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