Poor Phyllis. It's snowed about six inches since 9am today and she's lucky to be wearing a one piece suit right now. At least we aren't making her go out and shovel snow. After Abbie and Maja looked at the suit, it was decided that we needed more stones. The photos really don't do it justice...I think that we need motion to really see the shine of these stones, but at least the pics give us an idea of layout. I put about twice the stones on there since yesterday's pic.

I also did Abbie's two piece. The stones are amethyst and crystal. There are about...5 gross amethyst and four gross crystal stones! Again, it looks better in motion, but I think this pattern is pretty cool.

Okay, everyone: Keep warm and dry. Here in the greater Cincinnati area it's supposed to snow another six or eight inches in the next 24 hours. The weather guys are so excited! I'm happy for the weather guys, and also glad that we get to listen to something other than primary election crap!

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