I still don't quite get which machine in the gym prepares you to walk around in those ridiculous shoes.
Congrats, Ab!
A little journal of the things I do between errands and work
Okay, so you see me up there, with the cardboard cutout....that's my daughter, below, with the real live Jamie Deen. How cute is he? OMG...
Karen wasn't quite as thrilled, but we'll save this picture for her...she'll appreciate it in a few years.
I like coming to work in the morning. I like to listen to books on tape or WNKU. I feel like I am getting a fresh start every time I cross that river and swoop through the Lytle Tunnel and up Reading Road. It makes me feel like a grown-up, like I'm going out to DO SOMETHING.
I am sucking at my job right now, I can't seem to do any experiments right and I don't know why. So actually GETTING to work isnt' always such a great thing, but COMING here is good. And it will get better. I know this because I've been beating my head against the wall of science long enough that I know that there are portholes along the wall. Although if I get fired for spending all of my time on facebook and blogspot, the portholes might become fewer and farther between....
I think they are very pretty. Especially when the trash and stuff has been cropped out...maybe that's where my joy is hiding...behind the stuff I need to crop out. I need to upgrade my mental photoshop!
Now that I have figured out how to download the pictures from my camera to the computer, maybe I'll spend some time on photography. Not like I don't have seven thousand other things I should be doing, but there was a time when I really liked scrapbooking...and maybe that time can happen again...
I used to be into making photo essays. Maybe that is what I should try to do today. I have some fun series from the late eighties/ early nineties of St. Alphonso's...one year with T.Fox as the common element, another year with Gumby in all the shots...come to think of it, Gumby was in all my New Orleans pictures, too...I wonder what ever happened to old Gumby Dammit.
I think I'll make today's photo essay on 'finding out where my joy is hiding'
Here are Mackenzie and Dan in "The Man who Came to Dinner. Dan played the grumpy dad of the family, and Mackenzie was the patient wife. hmmm. the kids at Latin School did a great job with this play!
Karen had grandparents day at school last week, here she is with Grandma Mary and Grandpa John:
the kids used to call John "Grandpa Mary" because they call my parents "Grandma and Grandpa Mort". So complicated!
I've been doing lots of sewing but haven't had time to take any pictures (or more appropriately, haven't taken the time to take any pictures). Also a little spinning, some knitting, and I discovered freeform knitting and crochet, which might be my new favorite thing to do if I can figure out what to do with the things I have been making!