Monday, May 18, 2009

Camera downloading issues resolved!

This might just be a good sign. I have managed to figure out how to unload the memory card from my camera...which has almost two years worth of pictures on it...and copy it to the computer and then erase the memory card so i can make new memories! woo hoo! AND ALL ON A MONDAY MORNING!

Last week was a week full of maybe I used them up and went straight to thursday this week! I've always liked thursdays. Thursday is Friday Eve, after all.

This is Esther. She's my mini frog...a Xenopus, but a tiny one. Not sure if she's so tiny because she's some kind of mutant variety or because she was treated with growth hormone at a young age so that she would metamorphose before she reached her full potential as a tadpole, but it doesn't really matter. She is a delightful desk companion. She lives in a 4inch cube of water on my desk, with her best bud Gary the snail and a little bamboo tree.

I had to do surgery on her a couple of weeks ago because she swallowed a hair and it was hanging out of her mouth. I couldn't just pull it out, because I didn't know how far down she'd swallowed it and I didn't want to yank her guts out with the other end, so I just chilled her down until she went dormant and cut the end of the hair off. I guess she's suffered no ill effects, because she sure is perky!

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