Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday's Yarn

This is what I have on the spindle right now. It's kind of felty, but it's spinning up fairly nicely. I got it in a grab bag of fibers. Hope there is enough for a pair of mittens or something. If not, it will go in the increasingly large pile of "yarn I have spun but don't have enough of to make anything with". wow. That is some serious grammar, in that sentence there.
Hmm...the blue stuff above are also from the same grab bag of fibers, the pink and purple stuff came from somewhere else. I should really try to keep track of stuff like that. Or not. I get really caught up in what stuff is, where it came from, what I should do with it, like it's the Westminster Dog Show of fiber or something, when really all I want to do is sit and be hipmotized by the spinning wheel and then knit and crochet and make stuff, it doesn't really matter what. I just kind of like the rhythm of repetitive motion. Doing the same thing over and over again releases extra serotonin, and I like serotonin.
I like dopamine and norepinephrine, too, but serotonin is my favorite neurotransmitter. At work today I'm going to learn all about GABA and glutamate, because those are the NT's released by my neurons of interest these days, but they aren't my favorites. But they can become my favorites if I can learn how to get my neurons to make them on command, because then we would get a grant and insure my job for a little longer...and then I could buy more fiber and spin more and knit more! I knew I could get that little train of thought to circle back around!

This green and yellow stuff is from a bunch of fleece that I got from our friend Jamie. He's the chief technician at our shop . He was raising sheep for a while, so he knows "people" and got a bunch of fleece from someone...three bags full! Can I just tell you that sheep are some nasty ass creatures? Raw fleece can be a little full of poop and other ickies! But I spent last summer washing the wool and I card and dye a bit of it now and then. I dyed this stuff with kool aid. Skein on the left is plied with the same wool in a different kool-aid, the one on the right is plied with some embroidery thread that came in a big chest'o'thread that Tom gave me for Valentine's day last year (how sweet is that?).

This stuff is also Jamie wool, dyed with kool aid. I might actually branch out in to real dyes one of these know, order something from the Dharma Trading company like a real fiber artist...but I am cheap, and I can get enough kool aid at Krogers for a couple of bucks at a time to keep me busy and happy, although perhaps a bit limited.
Enough blogging, time to check in on Facebook and then maybe read that GABA/Glutamate paper!

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