Monday, April 14, 2008

Many Congratulations!

Three of the women wearing my suits placed in Figure over the weekend! Tonya placed fourth in her category...her first show ever, and she's MY AGE! OMG...can you visualize ME in this suit? Please, don't try...shudder
Stacey placed second in her category (the categories are based on height), also her first show! And Maja, who placed second in her height class at the Northern KY show a few weeks ago took first OVERALL on Saturday! That is SO COOL!

Now, I realize that this is probably inspite of, not because of the suits, but I can feel pretty good about not hindering anyone's performance!

I spent the weekend putting my workshop back together and making sure that I have the patterns for everyone's suits organized so that if they want more suits, I won't have to start from scratch. I am also making some "standard" size patterns, so that hopefully in the future I'll be able to take someone's measurements and actually know what to do with them to modify a pattern!
I haven't figured out how to turn a picture right side up once it's loaded, but this is Abbie's two-piece. She was smokin' hot in it when she tried it on for me on Friday, but alas, I didn't take pictures in the bathroom at work...

Meanwhile, in other exciting news, I had a cyst removed from my back this morning. I thought I was just going in for a consultation, but they had me down for a procedure. The surgeon got in there and took it out before I was fully awake, which was probably good. Now that I am clocking in, I think this is going to be a little uncomfortable here in a little while. The huge, undulating wound is on my left shoulder blade, so I probably need to take the rest of the week off to recover, since I am left-handed.

Actually, as long as I can wear a bra, I'll probably be okay...if the bra strap starts to be a problem, the administration of the university will give me a free week off. The do NOT want me and the girls flapping around work this week!


1 comment:

nottotaled said...

T, you are so funny! Congratulations to your girls!!! (The body builders, not your boobs.) BTW--I love those suits and I need a new one. Can you really swim in them?

FYI from Wikipedia re "snorgle":A jargon specific to Cute Overload has also developed over time, called the "cutecabulary," which includes coined words in frequent usage, such as "Baroo?" (what?), "snorgle" (snuggle), "redonk" (ridiculous) and "Kronsche" (crunch). Some of these terms have spread beyond Cute Overload into the general English slang vocabulary.[citation needed]

Hope to see you soon!