Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Craft Camp Recovery Zone

Oh, my! What a weekend! Our junior girl scout troop went to spend a wonderful weekend at Camp Judy Layne near Cave Run Lake in Eastern Kentucky. To say we got off to a cold damp start is to say that Simon Cowell is a little bitchy, but we really wound up having a great time. There were lots of adults, which REALLY helped things flow...we were able to keep things moving for the girls while taking turns being "on duty".

Here is Karen's cabin and Stephanie Reynolds setting out to learn how to measure the distance to the bathroom by walking...

We earned 7 badges each! I am really proud of how well everyone did. There was minimal drama, of the 10-11 year old girl variety, but the girls deserve a badge in drama for their self-motivated and self-organized production of American Idol. I am so impressed with that...while supper was cooking on Saturday night, the non-cooking girls all went to the "Thicket Theater" and made up their own version of Americal Idol, complete with Randy, Simon, Paula and Ryan. The other girls did singing, dancing and comedy routines that they just made up there! So cool.

If we had tried to organize them to do something like that it would have never worked.

smiling happy Karen, inspite of the cold and damp!

Unfortunately, my camera pooped out very early on, so I don't have many pictures, but when the rest of the troop shares their pics, I'll post those, too!

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