Every time I think I am getting the hang of things, there is a massive update and I am not in the loop. I think this may be because I have a tendency to blow off learning new things until I absolutely have to (like putting new music on my MP3 and then finding it again)...and by the time I get the hang of it, there is a new system to replace the one I'm finally figuring out.
My big achievement for the weekend was managing to scan some stick figures and get them into my computer. I don't know why they are so damned big when I open them in Paint, but I'm working on that issue. Okay, and can I just say that the image that I posted up there is like and acid hangover and NOT what I opened to upload! but it's okay. I'll get it someday. I really will.
I'll think: "Hey, this blogging thing seems fun. I love looking at the pictures on other people's blogs and checking out their links and the other blogs they read. I wish I knew if someone was reading MY blog". Of course, this would require that I figure out how to add things to my page...like a little counter doohickey...and links to other people's pages...heck, I finally figured out how to add a link to an email a few weeks ago (that whole copy and paste thing is for more than just word processing!)
I'm thinking that maybe once in a while I should make a point of learning how to do something new. Like adding a counter doohickey to my blog. Then maybe I'll get brave and join one of those cool web ring things that so many people have on their blogs. Maybe some day someone will even read my blog and put me on their list of frequently visited blogs!
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