Saturday, January 26, 2008

creative bodybuilding

Here is an interesting sidetrack that my life has taken...I am actually making money, making posing suits for female bodybuilders...I have made a few for a friend at work, and someone admired my work and she gave her my number...and I have a new client! I am very excited and very nervous. Making stretchy garments that have to cover just the right parts and nothing more is very fussy work! Here are pictures of Abbie in two of the suits that I made, and they cover too much!
Almost as interesting was the reaction of the lady waiting in line for the bathroom at Baba Budan's coffee shop in Clifton this afternoon while Maja and I were taking measurements! She's a beautiful young woman, and I can't wait to work on her suits. I'm also going to be making more suits for Abbie. Now I have to try to build a dressmaker's dummy out of batting and two by fours. What a life I have!

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