Monday, January 7, 2008

The Quilt from *%*$&

My good friend Merrilyn sent me this quilt over a year ago to hand quilt for a client in California. Since I'm all about sitting around watching TV and doing stuff with my hands, I thought, "COOL! A little pocket change for sitting around watching TV and doing stuff with my hands!". Oh my. See all those little hexagons? No? Okay:

Each of those little hexagons gets a bunch of even littler stitches going one way, then the whole thing gets turned, and another bunch of stitches...

Anyway, this thing is taking WAY longer than I had planned. Hey, lady in California--I really AM working on your quilt! I have finally (I think) finished all the big flowers on the interior and am ready to work my way around the outside. Merrilyn has to decide whether we are going to chop off (square up) the sides with "intact" flowers or if we are going to square it off all the way around (my vote, less quilting for me!)

But then, I think the intact flowers are pretty cool looking. This is such a beautiful quilt...the hand piecing is equisite. I'm not sure how old the top is (getting older by the second!) but I'm really honored to get to work on it. I've found spots that must be the blood of the woman who pieced this baby, and I've added a couple drops of my own, I'm afraid...and some sweat and tears by the time it's over, but it WILL be over, I just know it!

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