Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Technology Tracy

Saturday, January 26, 2008
creative bodybuilding

Here is an interesting sidetrack that my life has taken...I am actually making money, making posing suits for female bodybuilders...I have made a few for a friend at work, and someone admired my work and she gave her my number...and I have a new client! I am very excited and very nervous. Making stretchy garments that have to cover just the right parts and nothing more is very fussy work! Here are pictures of Abbie in two of the suits that I made, and they cover too much!

Friday, January 25, 2008
Friday's here!
I'm posting pictures of the 'basket' that I knitted and felted and spun...my friend Linda in Hamilton gave me a big old bag of carded wool that she'd had prepped from several years of leftovers from spinning. She calls it the Beast. I spun it thickly and knitted a big giant hat, sort of, to make my bowl shape, crocheted some handles and tossed it in the washer on the hot/cold cycle for a couple of trips. Then I tossed it in the dryer for a while, put it on top of the dryer wrapped around a real basket for a few days. I think it could be firmer if I sent it through the wash/dry thing again, so I might try that this weekend. But for now, I love my Beast Basket, and it's holding some yarn implements next to my spinning wheel.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Kim's Quilt
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Viking Princess
For the first couple of weeks I was completely baffled by the software for this puppy. There are so many things it can do and so few things I know how to do! But I went to a seminar last night, run by the shop where I bought the machine, and I feel a little better about things today. (Partially because several of the other women there that I chatted with are as clueless as I am!)
But I did pick up some clues about things, and today I sat down at work (because I have a very demanding and busy job right now) and figured out how to turn clip art into embroidery. My goal is to turn my own groovy little doodles into embroidery, and now I think that if I can remember how to work the scanner, I might be able to do it!
Who knows, by this time tomorrow, I might have pictures to show you! Of course, by this time tomorrow I might have gotten fired for playing on my computer instead of...oh, I know, chemical inventory, that's what I'm doing today!
Monday, January 7, 2008
The Quilt from *%*$&
My good friend Merrilyn sent me this quilt over a year ago to hand quilt for a client in California. Since I'm all about sitting around watching TV and doing stuff with my hands, I thought, "COOL! A little pocket change for sitting around watching TV and doing stuff with my hands!". Oh my. See all those little hexagons? No? Okay:
Each of those little hexagons gets a bunch of even littler stitches going one way, then the whole thing gets turned, and another bunch of stitches...
Anyway, this thing is taking WAY longer than I had planned. Hey, lady in California--I really AM working on your quilt! I have finally (I think) finished all the big flowers on the interior and am ready to work my way around the outside. Merrilyn has to decide whether we are going to chop off (square up) the sides with "intact" flowers or if we are going to square it off all the way around (my vote, less quilting for me!)
But then, I think the intact flowers are pretty cool looking. This is such a beautiful quilt...the hand piecing is equisite. I'm not sure how old the top is (getting older by the second!) but I'm really honored to get to work on it. I've found spots that must be the blood of the woman who pieced this baby, and I've added a couple drops of my own, I'm afraid...and some sweat and tears by the time it's over, but it WILL be over, I just know it!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Maiden Voyage
Oh look, it worked! Second try!
This is a bobbin of singles I spun on my new (to me) wheel...a Louet s75 single drive wheel. I have no idea how many twists per whatever I have here...I'm not that sophisticated yet...my goal is to be able to spin yarn in several different diameters that is knittable. This is my thinnest attempt so far. I am afraid it is terribly overspun...my compensation for underspinning my last pile of wool (the white stuff on the header up there.).
Here is the roving, hanging up to dry in my laundry room--and a little batch of the yarn I plied from some of these singles...yeah, it's really twisty...but I'm not going to swaddle the baby Jesus in it, so I'll forgive myself for a while: