Wednesday, May 28, 2008

delayed gratification

Wow, I have REALLY been a blog slug lately! All this fresh spring air has kept me doing lots of other things. On the crafting front, I finally finished the quilt from hell! I am ready to send it back to California as soon as I know where to send it. And then I'm getting another one to work on, but in the meantime, I've had time to spin and knit and work on some other stuff. I actually finished a sweater (not a vest!)that I made of yarn that I spun all myself--and it fits! Its actually chilly enough today that I got to wear it to work before it has to be shoved into the sweater pile in the closet.

Let's see, what else? Well, the boys are busily with finals this week (finally!). Sometimes it's a close race to see if we will be in summer school or not! We will all be relieved to be done with school and take a break from carpooling and so forth for the next couple of months. Karen and Sam will be going to Camp Goodridge again this summer, a Boone County park program. Sam will actually be a "Counselor in Training" which means that he's a halfprice camper and full time counselor's assistant. This should be educational for all of us!

Karen has had a busy spring. Her class went to Frankfort, the capital of Kentucky a few weeks ago and then they had a 'state convention' which was a kind of a science fair thing where the kids did a research project on a specific state and then made a display and a 'food item' from their state for people to sample at the convention.

Can you guess which state Karen was assigned? No? Hint: there are a lot of weddings there (just in case you are wondering, that is a wedding cake there. We made it and decorated it ourselves).

Okay, here's a hint: the Bride and groom on the top of the cake could have been Elvis and a Stripper.


And then next, her class performed the play "Blame it on the Wolf" for parents and the younger students. Karen plays the part of TurkeyLurkey along with her friends Chloe and Audrey, who are Chicken Little and Henny Penny. I think they were a kind of a Greek chorus, because they would run out periodically and sing a little song and then run back offstage. Very excellent choreography. Camp has opened and we only had to move the trailer once because of flooding---what a pain--for Tom. I held down the fort here.

next installment, hopefully before the end of the summer, will be about camp and the new Goodyear Store!

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